Sculpture Courses take place in my workshop at Damanhur Crea.
I have been teaching Basic, Inermediate and Advanced courses for individuals and groups for many years.
There is monthly course for the creation of one's own Personal "Statuetta", an important element of the initiatic Damanhurian path.
New initiates shape clay and create a sculpture representing themselves and it is very fascinating to see how people imagine themselves and how they wish to appear in this form.
I teach the techniques needed for clay modeling and painting and help people find their own artistic inspiration.
The laboratory where the courses are held is and has been the place where many of the sculptures present in the Temples of Humanity have taken and take shape. A place full of experience and unforgettable experiences that vibrates with the right frequency to create art.
The workshop in which the courses take place is and has been the place where many of the sculptural works present in the Temples of Humanity have taken and take shape. A place full of life and unforgettable experiences that vibrates with the right frequency to create art.
The Sculpture Courses are for individuals and groups, in these courses i teach the techniques used for the creation of the works in the Temples of Humanity and in the Damanhurian territories and a personal relationship is established with the people.
Main aim of the classes is allowing each participant to find their own unique style.
Many students have participated and actively participate in the creation of my works so much that a real working group has been formed where in addition to the passion for art there is a strong bond of friendship between the participants.
For information on the courses contact me through the contact form of the site or call this phone number: 3485155710.